Advocacy Efforts
Current Advocacy
Yes for Kids Campaign
What it is
The February 13, 2024, Spokane County special election ballot will include two Spokane School propositions:
Spokane Schools Proposition 1: Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs & Operation Levy
Proposition 2: Bonds to Replace, Modernize and Improve Aging School Facilities.
Our position
On December 6, 2023, the Downtown Spokane Partnership (DSP) Policy & Strategic Development Committee reviewed and unanimously recommended support of Propositions 1 & 2, as they align with DSP’s Policy Platform Section 1: Incentivize investment and job opportunities.
Specifically, investing in a strong public education system is critical to enhancing Spokane’s livability and downtown’s future workforce. A ‘yes’ vote on Prop. 1 authorizes an excess tax levy for three years, commencing in 2024, for Spokane Public Schools to pay for expenses of educational programs and operations. To pass, Prop. 1 requires a simple majority. Without passage of Prop. 1, the District’s General Fund will be insufficient to meet the educational needs of its students and pay expenses of educational programs and operations.
A ’yes’ vote on Prop. 2 authorizes Spokane Public Schools to issue general obligation bonds in the amount of no more than $200 million for the purpose of paying costs of replacing Adams and Madison Elementary Schools, modernizing and expanding Garry Middle School and North Central High School, improving Chase Middle School, The Community School, Spokane Public Montessori and Libby Center for program growth, designing Balboa and Indian Trail Elementary Schools replacements, acquiring land, and making District-wide safety, technology and smaller capital improvements. To pass, Prop. 2 requires 60% majority in support. Without passage of Prop. 2, the District cannot complete these projects.
Following on the recommendation of the DSP Policy and Strategic Development Committee, the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors voted to unanimously endorse the Spokane Public Schools Levy and Bond Measures.
Where We Are
Spokane Public Schools is asking voters to approve a 2024 Bond and Educational Program and Operations Levy Replacement on the Feb. 13, 2024 election ballot.
Learn more about the levy and bond measures at the Yes for Kids campaign website, review the list of endorsements, and submit your name as an endorser using the buttons below.
For questions on this or any other policy matters, contact Andrew Rolwes, Vice President of the DSP at
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