Policy Committee*
The DSP is an effective advocacy organization because its members believe that downtown Spokane is the basis of an economically healthy region. The Committee is focused on issues that grow the economy, enhance livability, support accessibility and strategic development, attract talent and make downtown the premier destination to work, live and recreate. Committee members leverage professional insight to discuss a spectrum of ideas and solutions for addressing challenges and opportunities facing downtown. Through a thoughtful process, the committee builds consensus on position recommendations that are presented to the DSP Board. If approved by the Board, the DSP advocates on behalf of its membership.
- Meetings are organized with the latest information and materials.
- Special guests are regularly invited to share insight into policy issues.
- Messaging drafted at meetings is communicated at public comment and public hearings.
2025 Committee Chair: Chris Batten, RenCorp Realty
Meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Rae-Lynn Barden.
*Committee members are required to be current members of the DSP.
Public Safety Committee:
Creating a safe, clean and welcoming downtown with active public spaces to support employees, residents and visitors requires sharing of information among safety agencies operating in downtown. The Committee convenes local partners and members to leverage professional insight to provide feedback guidance on clean and safe programs, including security and hospitality ambassadors, clean team operations, safety, social outreach programs, and more.
- Meetings are organized for regular information sharing on operations and best practices.
- Special guests may be invited to provide specialized training.
2025 Committee Chair:
Meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Emilie Cameron.
Transportation & Parking Committee:
Tracking the latest information, issues and projects that impact downtown Spokane’s mobility network, the Committee reviews transportation improvement projects, mobility solutions, on-street and off-street parking management and issues, and provides recommendations and feedback to the DSP Board consistent with guiding policy platform principles.
- Meetings are organized with the latest information and materials.
- Special guests are regularly invited to present early in project conception.
2025 Committee Chair: Jonathan Moog, Riverfront Park
Meets bi-monthly on the 1st Friday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Rae-Lynn Barden.
Marketing & Activation Committee:
Telling the “story” of downtown Spokane to positively promote the public image of the area is crucial to DSP’s mission. The Committee provides input on communications and marketing strategies, helps to identify channels to reach intended audiences, supports message development and suggests new & creative ideas to support destination branding and awareness. Additionally, the Committee supports brainstorming, planning, partner development and execution of events, outdoor decorations/beautification, public art and seasonal displays.
- Meetings review strategic priorities and ideas.
- Members share best practices and recommendations.
- Members help to review and support sponsorship/grant funding.
2025 Committee Chair: TBA
Meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Elisabeth Hooker.
Membership & Outreach Committee:
This Committee helps grow the DSP and deliver its mission by ensuring DSP has a comprehensive membership program offering the right mix of benefits and value to retain and attract new members. By focusing on the value proposition of membership, members of the committee provide feedback to enhance membership offerings and benefits, support programs and recruitment efforts.
2025 Committee Chair: TBA
Meets bi-monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Emilie Cameron.
Economic Development Committee:
Supporting and retaining existing downtown businesses while attracting new businesses helps DSP to foster a strong economic base in the heart of the region. The Committee assists in retail recruitment and sustainability, storefront activation, employer/employee engagement and curates investor, demographic and trends data. The Committee develops and supports strategic programs, including promotions, programs and community connections, to support business owners.
2025 Committee Chair: Open
Meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. For more information or to join, contact Kevin Campbell.