This Kids Safety Day, we invite kids, parents, and families to learn the importance of stranger safety, master emergency contacts when feeling lost, and explore essential safety skills through exciting activities and games. Parents are encouraged to join in, learning alongside their kids to enhance safety awareness in public spaces.

Stranger danger! Navigating interactions with strangers can be tricky, especially for children learning about safety and boundaries. Here are key tips and scenarios to help them handle these encounters with confidence and caution:

  • Encourage children to maintain personal boundaries with strangers by not giving out personal information like their full name, address, or school.
  • Discuss what to do if a stranger approaches in a threatening or alarming way. Teach children to yell for help, run to a safe place, and find a trusted adult immediately.
  • Encourage children to stay in well-lit, populated areas and avoid secluded places when alone or away from trusted adults.
  • Keep an open dialogue with children about different scenarios involving strangers, emphasizing that it’s okay to talk to adults they trust if they have questions or concerns.

Playgrounds are vibrant spaces where children can explore, learn, and have fun. Ensuring playground safety is crucial for both kids and parents to create lasting memories of play and adventure.

  • Always keep a close eye on your children while they play, staying within arm’s reach, especially for younger kids.
  • Explain the importance of taking turns, using equipment properly, and being mindful of other children.
  • Bring water and encourage kids to take regular hydration breaks, especially on hot days.
  • Establish clear boundaries for where your children can play and ensure they understand to stay within these limits.

Keeping our kids safe is always a top priority. It’s essential for them to know where to turn if they ever feel unsafe or find themselves in trouble, especially when we’re not around. Here’s a handy guide to share with your kids about who they can approach for help in Downtown Spokane:

Spokane Police Department: The Spokane Police Department is dedicated to keeping our community safe. Officers are trained to assist in emergencies, provide protection, and offer guidance. If your kids see a police officer, they should feel comfortable approaching them for help, whether they are lost, scared, or need assistance. The officers are always ready to listen and respond to any concerns, ensuring that everyone feels secure in Downtown Spokane.

Downtown Ambassadors: Downtown Ambassadors are friendly and approachable individuals in bright blue and black uniforms who work to maintain a safe and welcoming environment in Downtown Spokane. They are knowledgeable about the area and can assist with directions, provide information about local attractions, and help in emergencies. Encourage your kids to seek out Downtown Ambassadors if they need help or have any questions while exploring downtown. Their primary goal is to ensure everyone has a positive and safe experience.

Riverfront Park Rangers: Riverfront Park Rangers are dedicated to making sure that Riverfront Park is a safe and enjoyable place for everyone. They patrol the park, aid visitors, and ensure that park rules are followed. If your kids are playing or exploring the park, they can look for these officials for any help they might need. Park Rangers are knowledgeable about the park’s features and can offer guidance, assistance, or respond to emergencies, ensuring a safe visit for all.

Spokane C.O.P.S.: Community-Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S.) volunteers play a vital role in fostering a safer community. These volunteers are committed to building strong relationships between the police and the community. Kids can approach C.O.P.S. volunteers if they need help, have concerns, or just want to talk. These volunteers work to create a supportive and secure environment, making sure that everyone feels connected and protected.