Join us in downtown Spokane for First Friday. This month 19 venues are participating in the monthly art walk the Friday following the July Fourth holiday. Most venues open from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. For a full list of activities and artists visit

Don’t miss the first round of exhibition by Laboratory’s Summer Residency Program. The three instillations from artists Kim Burgas, Jarret Lin and Caleb Foss can be viewed in the windows of the former Ridpath Annex located at 501 W First Ave.

The featured July First Friday poster artist is Mallory Battista. Battista is a visual artist and writer currently preoccupied with comics and ironwork. Her work with the local blacksmithing club Columbia Fire & Iron was recently awarded a SAGA grant, which expanded their ability to teach blacksmithing to the Spokane community. You can see her blacksmith every Friday at the Emerson Garfield Farmers Market and find her comics in the quarterly Spokane Sequential. A collectable poster of her work can be found at the Visitor’s Center inside Riverfront Park.

About First Friday
Downtown First Friday launched in November of 2003 in conjunction with the Spokane Arts Commission. Today, over 50 downtown venues participate each month to bring visitors to downtown, and promote arts patronage in our region. First Friday always occurs on the First Friday of the month with the exception of February and October, when First Friday and the Visual Arts Tour merge to become a city-wide arts tour presented by Spokane Arts.