The Downtown Spokane Partnership (DSP) has initiated a Request for Quotes (RFQ) process to identify a qualified consultant to guide and execute a strategic planning process and evaluation of the Downtown Spokane Business Improvement District (BID). DSP seeks a consultant with a deep understanding of nonprofit structure, operations and budget methodology, excellent facilitation skills, and proven success in strategic planning.
- RFQ Issued — August 31, 2022
- Deadline for Responses — September 19, 2022
- Selection Interviews — September 28-30, 2022
- Contract Award/Notification — October 7, 2022
DSP seeks a consultant to guide and execute a strategic planning process and produce:
- 5-year strategic plan for the DSP, targeted to start in 2023, including:
- Goals and objectives to meet priorities
- Services and programs (both current and new) that will support organizational goals
- Necessary organizational management and resources to carry out programs, including governance
- Inclusive social equity advancement
- Management District Implementation Plan (MDP) that analyzes BID benefit zones and service levels, including:
- Evaluation of assessment methodology and non-assessment revenue resources
- District management guidelines, best practices and recommendations
- Data collection and management
- Enhanced maintenance and security services
- Economic development and marketing programs
- Budget and staffing structure
- BID Expansion Analysis and Technical Assistance* Phase One, including:
- Assessment of community needs and objectives, including stakeholder interviews
- Outreach considerations and communications strategy
- Expansion recommendations, including geographic areas and timelines
- Evaluation of property usage, required services and assessment methodology**
- Outline recommended services and program needs with budget and staffing structure
- Review non-assessment revenue opportunities
Submission Requirements
Respondents should provide a brief description of your organization and experience doing this kind of work. Responses should be structured into three deliverable areas listed above (1 – DSP Plan, 2 – MDP Development, 3 – BID Expansion). Consider the specific activities, time and budget by each deliverable area. For each deliverable area, include:
- Summary: Provide a brief description of recommended activities, including outcomes.
- Scope of Work: Include high-level approach and outline activities.
- Timeline: Include milestones and key deliverables, including outreach meetings and final presentations.
- Budget: Identify total cost, including labor and indirect expenses.
- Additional Information: Any other information deemed important, but not specifically required elsewhere.
- Case Study: Include at least one relevant example of prior experience with reference contact.
Submit all questions and proposals to:
Emilie Cameron, President & CEO
Downtown Spokane Partnership
10 N Post St., Ste. #400
Spokane, WA 99208