Buying from small, local vendors at the holidays is a great way to support your community while also purchasing distinctive gifts that can’t be found anywhere else. And THE SMALL BIZ SHOPPE at River Park Square makes it easier than ever to connect with those vendors. In this flexible space, the artists, crafters, makers and microbusinesses that you might find online at Etsy or locally at pop-up markets can showcase their wares. Not only do you get to browse all that variety, you also get to talk with them personally about what makes their products special.

“With over 100 different small and local sellers, we offer a wide selection of unique products. We’re sure to have something for everyone on your shopping list,” says owner Jordan Mitch.

Since taking over the historic Dodson’s Jewelers building in late 2019, JOHNSONS CUSTOM JEWELRY (516 W. Riverside) has upheld the high quality and outstanding customer service for which Dodson’s was renowned. Johnson’s has a showroom of necklaces, rings, pendants, earrings and much more, ranging from budget-conscious to the height of opulence. But the company’s reputation is built on designing one-of-a-kind custom pieces that have special significance to both the giver and the wearer. And if designing a piece from the ground up seems too daunting, keep in mind that they can also repair and restore beloved heirlooms.

For a gift that can be re-experienced over and over by multiple age groups, check out UNCLE’S GAMES (404 W. Main, inside Auntie’s). This play-centric mecca has everything from card and board games to puzzles and collectibles. Young roleplayers can get into storytelling games like Magical Kitties Save the Day or No Thank You, Evil!, while slightly older players can compete to connect railroads in Ticket to Ride or race to construct colossal structures in 7 Wonders.

Article and image compliments of: The Inlander