Dear Downtown Business:
Because downtown Spokane serves as a place for all people to live work and recreate, our teams come into contact with diverse populations on a day to day basis. Some of these populations fall into the most vulnerable groups at risk of contracting COVID-19.
As suggested by local, state, and national health authorities, your Downtown Business Improvement District Clean and Safe teams are taking responsible safety precautions as we continue to provide vital services, including:
- Increased hand-washing and surface sanitizing.
- Practice of social distancing. Including non-essential touching of individuals and surfaces.
- Should any staff exhibit signs of fever or respiratory troubles, they will be asked to stay home and focus on getting healthy.
- The awareness of the health of family members of our team and the expectation that team members will chose to self-isolate should a family member show signs of illness.
The Downtown Spokane Partnership remains committed to the physical and financial well-being of our staff. Just like you, we are doing everything we can to work to maintain a healthy workforce so that we are ready to assist our business community both throughout the current outbreak and into the future.
What else are we doing to support you, our downtown businesses?
Downtown Spokane is dedicated to the creation of a dynamic, safe, vital, livable, and sustainable downtown as the basis of an economically healthy region. We don’t succeed unless you do. Recent events are incredibly impactful to you and your business. That’s why we are pivoting staff resources to help you through this time, including:
- Working with City, non-profit, and promotional partners to stay up-to-date on the cancellation and rescheduling of events in downtown.
- Working with the City, Visit Spokane, GSI and other partners to identify strategies and resources that support business as the impacts of COVID-19 are felt.
- Meeting with our creative agency, BHW1, and other promotional partners, to develop an informational campaign to encourage the community to continue to responsibly support business. We will make creative assets available to you early next week.
No one understands your business like you do. If you have suggestions for collaboration, promotional opportunities, or other ideas to support downtown business, please contact our office at and we will be in communication.

Mark Richard
President and CEO
Downtown Spokane Partnership